
7 Ekim 2015 Çarşamba

Conducting a Close Analysis of a Media Text

Commercial :


1) Auction
2) A bibelot cat which made from diamonds
3) A crowded place
4) Mother and daughter whose doing the auction to the bibelot with the numbers ; 142 and 143
5) Auction chef
6) The logo of the company which created the commercial
7) The words on the screen which are said by the background talker
8) Samsung Galax s6
9) And the logo of the company at the end


Music : A funny, amusing background sound


Auctioneer: One hundred thousand !
Mom: Sprint told us that they could have save the bill in half
Girl: Oh, yeah
Mom: We said a budge of money in a replacement switch in the sprint
Girl: We don't need to save money do we mama ?
Mom: Oh no... ( laugh ) No do we not baby
Girl: Like daddy always says; '' money doesn't spend itself. ''
Auctioneer: One million !
Mom: Ah look at that !
Auctioneer: One point two million !
Girl: Oh wow !
Mom: Where's the muscle baby (!)?
Girl: Right here ! Look my muscle !

Background voice: Some people are stupid and rich. For the rest of us, sprint will cut your Verizon or AT&T bill and cut your rate plan in half. Just turn in your old phone or for a limited time, sign up for the new limited plus plan to get a Samsung Galaxy s6, free only from sprint.

                                                    Applying the Five Key Questions

Question 1

Who created this message ?

Answer 1

Sprint Cellphone Company

Question 2

What tecniques are used to attract my attention ?

Answer 2 

A diamond cat bibelot, money talks, the conversations to demonstrate their wealth such as '' like daddy always says - money doesn't spend itself - '', flexing muscles while raising their hand in a auction ( to show their stupidness ) and a good phone.

Question 3 

How might different people understand this message differently than me ?

Answer 3 

If one is pretty rich like those two, he/she can find this message pretty unnecessary. Also if one is so poor he can find this message unnecessary also. Because if theres no income there wouldn't be any spending and there will be no Verizon or AT&T taxes/bills. One can understand that '' do not spend your money for no reason''. Also one can understand use money for the things that you really need.

Question 4

What values, lifestyles and points of view are represented in, or omitted from this message ?

Answer 4 

There isn't any cultural values in the message. There only wealthy 2 woman, talking of the sprint product/service. And they are demonstrating their stupidness. A high consumption lifestyle has been observed in the message.

Question 5

Why this message beign sent?

Answer 5

To advertise the sprint company and of course to gain profit and money with the product/service.


   Text is constructed very cleverly. I find it very funny and effective. They way they talk is attractable. And the storyline between the conversations is quite meaningful. I already have gave a predict about how others interpret the text in Question 3. When you try to exercise this with other forms of messages of course you'll need different questions. For e.g; if you take a murder report from the news, you cannot use Question 3; '' How might different people understand this message differently than me? ''. Because too objective subject to be comment on.

For the end i highly recommend this complation of the Direct TV commercials. Very funny and clever designed:

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