I have choose this advertisement because i think it's the most effective one among them ( the other ones ).
What is the message ? Explain
The message of this advertisement is, ''The car named Seat Altea is a sports car made for your family''. A pregnant woman in the advertisement makes me feel like - if i had a wife which is pregnant or have a childs and family etc.- my family going to be okay, protected, safe and comford in the car.
What persuasive technique is being employed? Explain
I think there are more than one persuasive tecnique in the ad. I am going to explain the reason why i think like that.
- First of all i think one of the persuasive techniques we have in this ad is Plain Folk. I think like that because this tecnique is better than the other ones for this ad. The women in the ad isn't a celebrity. She is only a ordinary woman. Which makes the audience think '' She is one of us ''. Even some of the female audiences can see themselves in the ad if they are pregnant or married etc. Thanks why its a Plain Folk
- The second persuasive technique that i think in the ad is ( maybe in a indirect way but worth to discuss ) Emotional Appeals. I made this statement with thinking like i have a family. After all like fear or sadness, the desire to be protected, protection, to give a save life to my wife and childs is a pretty strong emotion aswell.
- The third persuasive technique that i see in the ad is ( this one is pretty indirect but still worth to discuss like Emotional Appeals ) Product Comparison. The reason that i think liek this because; Consider there are a lots of car advertisements on TV. Most of them are showing the power, interior or exterior design or the price of their cars. Then suddenly you see this ad ( Seat Altea one ). This is the only ad that attacks your emotions. And also it is the only ad that showing you a ordinary human beign just like you. On the paper you won't compare the cars with each other, but subliminally you will think '' I guess the Seat Altea is better for my family '' inside your brain. Thats why it's also a Product Comparison in the head :-)
Who is the target audience? Explain
Clearly, the target audience is the families, the couples whose thinking to become a family or the couples whose are about to be a family and with a indirect way young adults which are in the middle class :). The slogan is made for this specific audience, the pregnant woman in the ad is put there to aim this specific audience. And after all Seat isn't a very luxury car. If one young aduly wants to buy a sports car and looking for a economical one, maaybe he can think about this car.
So lets say;
- Families,
- The couples whose thinking to become a family,
- The couples whose about to become a family,
- And some of the young adults ( in a indirect way )
Is this an effective ad? Why or why not?
I think it's an effective advertisement in some way and it's not in another way.
The reason that i think it's an effective ad is;
It uses great persuasive techniques to impress the audience; Product Comparison, Emotional Appeals and Plain Folks. I am not a customer whose the target of this advertisement in a logic way but indirectly i am as i explained in the target audience section. It makes you think this car is the best one for my family, wife n kids. So it's a powerful advertisement.
The reason that i think it's not an effective ad is;
Think about the bigger families. If the advertisement's slogan would be like '' Finally, a small family sports car '' this article wouldn't be exist. For example; I am a guy which have a wife and 6 kids. Is the Seat Altea the car which is the best for my family? No i don't think so...